k, I guess I will just dive right in. I have never done this before, but after being introduced to the Women's Colony and reading a few posts by Blogspot, I decided to try this for myself. Nothing special about me or what I have to say, just want to be a part of the "group". I have always been a group wanna be. I don't like being "left out" of anything. I was the one afraid to nap, for fear I would miss something. Am I missing something? Well, yes, if you consider sanity something.I am "the mom" to 4 "lovely" kiddos. The oldest is 18, a high school graduate, living at home and going to community college. The next is 13 and according to his sister, who wishes we had just quit trying for a second after the first year of failed conception, he is our favorite. Now I must say she may have a point because he has always been easier and we had a bit more experience under the ole' belt when he came along. He is a 5'9" football playing, semi-man who is testing the patience of all around him as he fights through the muck of hormones and teenagehood. The next is 10 and he defiantly follows the beat of drums the rest of barely hear, let alone know where they are coming from. He straddles the line between wanting to fit in and wanting to stand out. The last is 4 and was not an "accident" , at least not for me. You see yesterday was the 8 year anniversary of the miscarriage of a much wanted pregnancy/baby. Yes, I watched the towers go down in flames while I contemplated the insignificance of my little lose. The last human addition to our family didn't come until I was sure she wasn't going to and was about to give up hope and believe that "God was trying to tell me we were done." She is both the overwhelming joy and bane of my existence. I often think, "why did I think we needed four to be complete" and "what would I do without her" simultaneously. She is too smart and too cute for her or my own good. As my father was often heard saying, "Parenting isn't for sissies!"